Thursday, May 30, 2013

Giorno Quattro

Magda is putting paper on the wall to protect the new brick from our mortar.

We start most days by putting guidelines on the wall.

Ferruccio is pushing the scissor lift away from the wall so Mike can reach a spot, Magda and Valentina hold on!

The mosaic begins twenty feet above ground.

End of day 4!

Dia Tres

Valentina preparing the piece to install.

Mike preparing the wall to install.

The ceramic and smalti pieces need mortar on the back which we call back buttering.

End of day 3!

Deuxième Jour, Deux Fois

On our first day two, we were only able to work for 2 hours before it started to pour.

Second Time

Valentina and Magda find a way to back butter the piece on the scissor lift.

End of day 2!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

First Day of Work

Our first day at the work site.

Denis is our instructor today on the proper and safe use of the jumbo scissor lift.

The construction site of the inside of the bus depot.

The wall the mosaic is going on. We won't be installing today as the crates are set to arrive tomorrow.

The view of our wall across the river in the Bronx.

With the crates arrival, we can begin to install today.

We load everything onto the scissor lift, including our cooler...full of water.

We dry fit the first piece...

And then we install it.

We check to make sure the piece is level.

And then we continue with the next 4 pieces.

We finish before lunch just before it's about to rain.

Luckily it clears up after lunch so we can continue to work.

It conveniently waited to rain again till we were done for the day but we clearly have a long way to go till the end. End of day 1!